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IRIS is an online Management Information, Communications and Incident Management Platform, operated exclusively by Cloudveil.

The IRIS database allows for the efficient storage, retrieval and dissemination of information. It provides users with immediate access to stakeholder groups, asset lists, governance frameworks, policies, operating standards, best practices, and procedural guidance. IRIS can support a full range of Security and Risk Management and Facilities Management programmes from a single source.

HALO, IRIS’s location finding App, allows individuals at risk to send a range of alert messages, automatically accompanied by their precise location.  

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IRIS enables users to rapidly and efficiently collect and analyse wide ranging data in bespoke formats such as threat risk assessments, audits and surveys. “At a glance” results, in a pre-selected, user friendly format may be disseminated automatically to relevant stakeholders with trends plotted and exceptions identified. IRIS delivers assurance through continual monitoring of all compliance and performance assessments.

IRIS’s communications functions allow for the mass communication of specific instructions to pre-determined stakeholder groups by email and SMS. IRIS can be used to manage and control serious incidents with immediate access to relevant information and automated communications. Crisis management and recovery functions can be delivered, coordinated and optimised through automated alerts and procedural notifications across dynamic teams. 

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